Government on India

Compendium of Important Orders - Municipal Corporation

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77 Local Bodies Election - Setting and Sealing of Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) EVMs 12/03/2012 0.11
63 Local Bodies Election - Supplementary Order regarding use of "None of the Above"(NOTA) button (SEC 2013/CR.11/D-12) NOTA 26/11/2013 2.08
71 Local Bodies Election- Action to be taken for false information given in the affidavit or declaration along with nomination papers Candidates/Affidavits/Declaration 20/02/2013 0.07
84 Local Bodies Election- Appointment of Government Officers and Employees as Zonal Officer (SEC/MC-2011/CR.18/ D-5) Requisition of Services & Others. 23/01/2012 0.02
61 Local Bodies Election- Conduct of election process as per direction given by Apex (Supreme) Court Decision Dtd. 19 / 10/2006 in Civil Appeal No.5756 / 2005 Election Process 25/11/2014 0.39
60 Local Bodies Election- No Need to File Affidavits/Declaration on the Stamp Paper (SEC/MC2014/CR.22/D.5) Candidates/Affidavits/Declaration 08/01/2015 0.05
13 Local Bodies Election- Order regarding election allowance / food allowance to be given to the officers / employees and also police officers and police personnel appointed on poll / counting duty Election Process 12/06/2017 0.53
66 Local Bodies Election- Regarding Invalid or false Caste Validity Certificate (SEC/MC-2013/ CR.25/D-5) Nominations 17/07/2013 0.10
20 Local Bodies Election: Explanation for opening separate account in a schedule bank for contesting candidat Election Expenditure 02/02/2017 0.04
76 Local Bodies Elections -Guidelines regarding celebration of public festivals during code of conduct Model Code of Conduct (MCC) 16/03/2012 1.91