Government on India

Compendium of Important Orders - Municipal Corporation

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93 Regarding the use of marker pen instead of indelible ink bottle (SEC/MC2010/ CR.10/D-5) Indelible Ink/ Marker Pen 19/11/2011 0.05
145 Delegation of Powers under the Act and rules of Municipal Corporation (SEC/1094/191/1994) Delegation of Powers 19/11/1994 0.04
123 Ward formation of Municipal Corporation Area- Defining Responsible Officers for each stage (SEC/MC-2005/CR.2/D-5) Ward Formation / Reservation of Seats 19/01/2005 2.22
11 Requisition of Staff and Vehicles Requisition of Services & Others. 18/07/2018 1.20
70 Use of White Memory in EVM during elections to Local Self Government Bodies EVMs 18/06/2013 2.07
140 Use of Loudspeaker - order (SEC-1095/CR-9/ 95/ D-3) Model Code of Conduct (MCC) 18/03/1995 2.40
21 Methods for counting of votes in the elections of Local bodies Counting 18/02/2017 0.13
91 Printing of State Election Commission logo (SEC/MC-2011/CR.24/ D-5) Election Process 17/12/2011 0.17
65 Printing of ballot papers at the local level Ballot Paper/Postal Ballot 17/11/2014 0.01
77 Maps during ward formation must get certified & signed by Town Planner (SEC/MC-2012/CR.23/D-5) Ward Formation / Reservation of Seats 17/07/2012 2.01