Government on India

Compendium of Important Orders - Zilla Parishad & Panchayat Samiti

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32 Precautions to be taken while doing correspondence with the SEC in relation to Model Code of Conduct(MCC)-Circula Model Code of Conduct (MCC) 27/01/2017 0.02
38 Zilla Parishad & Panchayat Samiti Election- Regulation for Government advertising in areas having code of conduct. (SEC/MC-2017/CR5/D5) Model Code of Conduct (MCC) 16/01/2017 0.01
42 Zilla Parishad & Panchayat Samiti Election- Regulation for Government advertising in areas having code of conduct Model Code of Conduct (MCC) 20/12/2016 0.22
43 Local Body Elections - Clarification regarding restriction on Publication and Printing of Canvassing Material (SEC/MC-2017/CR20/D5) Model Code of Conduct (MCC) 23/11/2016 0.08
51 Consolidated Order of Model Code of Conduct (SEC/MCL-2016/CR31/D6) Model Code of Conduct (MCC) 14/10/2016 0.61
62 Guidelines for collecting weapons from Weapons Licensee during Election Period Model Code of Conduct (MCC) 09/04/2015 0.23
76 Celebration of Lokshahi Din during the Code of Conduct (SEC/RDD/2013/CR5/D-8) Model Code of Conduct (MCC) 04/03/2013 0.02
78 Local Body Elections -Regarding District Planning Committee Meeting during the period of Code of Conduct Model Code of Conduct (MCC) 21/08/2012 0.02
79 Local Bodies Elections -Guidelines regarding celebration of public festivals during code of conduc Model Code of Conduct (MCC) 16/03/2012 0.02
82 Local Body Elections- 'One Window System' for granting various permissions to the candidates / political parties regarding campaigning during elections Model Code of Conduct (MCC) 14/02/2012 0.01