Government on India

Upcoming - Municipal Councils and Nagar Panchayat

Sr.No DistrictName Subject Local Body Name Expiry date of Term Elections Due Before Size(MB)
< 7 8 9 10 11 >
142 Beed Dharur Dharur 02/01/2022 01/2022 0.02
104 Solapur Dhudani Dhudani 29/12/2021 12/2021 0.02
143 Yavatmal Digras Digras 02/01/2022 01/2022 0.02
281 Nashik DINDORI NP Dindori 14/02/2027 02/2027 0.02
62 Dhule Dondaicha Varwade Dondaicha Varwade 28/12/2021 12/2021 0.02
314 Chandrapur Gondpiprri Dondpiprri 16/02/2027 02/2027 0.06
91 Jalgaon Erandol Erandol 29/12/2021 12/2021 0.02
261 Gadchiroli Etapalli Etapalli 13/02/2027 02/2027 0.06
105 Jalgaon Faizpur Faizpur 29/12/2021 12/2021 0.02
124 Kolhapur Gadhinglaj Gadhinglaj 29/12/2021 12/2021 0.02