Government on India

Upcoming - Zilla Parishad and Panchayat Samities

Sr.No DistrictName Subject Local Body Name Expiry date of Term Elections Due Before Size(MB)
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301 Buldana Nandura -Ps Nandura -Ps 15/03/2022 03/2022 0.24
315 Buldana Buldhana Zp Buldhana Zp 20/03/2022 03/2022 0.24
19 Chandrapur BALLARPUR Ballarpur -Ps 13/03/2022 03/2022 0.13
30 Chandrapur CHANDRAPUR Chandrapur -Ps 13/03/2022 03/2022 0.13
37 Chandrapur BRAHMHAPURI Brahmhapuri -Ps 13/03/2022 03/2022 0.13
43 Chandrapur Rajura P.S. Rajura 13/03/2022 03/2022 0.13
84 Chandrapur MUL Mul -Ps 13/03/2022 03/2022 0.13
97 Chandrapur SINDEVAHI Sindewahi -Ps 13/03/2022 03/2022 0.13
141 Chandrapur SAOLI Sawali -Ps 13/03/2022 03/2022 0.13
145 Chandrapur Rajura P.S. Rajura 13/03/2022 03/2022 0.13