Government on India

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64 Institute Of Democracy & Elections for Good Governance (IDEGG) ORDER 6.11.2018 Ballot Paper/Postal Ballot 06/11/2018 0.09
66 Order to provide facility of ballot papers to service voters in Municipal Council / Nagar Panchayat elections Ballot Paper/Postal Ballot 10/08/2018 0.11
69 Order to provide facility of ballot papers to service voters in Municipal Corporation's election. Ballot Paper/Postal Ballot 29/05/2018 0.09
212 Local Body Elections- Permission to Print Ballot Papers at Local Level- Order Dtd. 17/11/2014 Ballot Paper/Postal Ballot 17/11/2014 0.02
236 Local Body Elections-About Authorisation of Attestation Power regarding declaration of Postal Ballots -Instructions Ballot Paper/Postal Ballot 15/02/2012 0.04
90 Elections of Municipal Corporation / Municipal Council / Nagar Panchayat / District Council / Panchayat Samiti - Instructions regarding declaration of Opinion Poll and Exit Poll Dtd. 15.4.2017 Campaigning 15/04/2017 0.02
107 Municipal Corporation, Zilla Parishad & Panchayat Samiti GENERAL ELECTION 2017- Order Regarding Campaigning Period; Conducting & Publishing Opinion Poll & Exit Poll Campaigning 21/01/2017 0.07
108 Municipal Corporation Election- Regarding Campaigning Period Campaigning 20/01/2017 0.06
132 Local Body Election- Regarding use of vehicles in campaigning -order Dtd.19.11.2016 Campaigning 19/11/2016 0.04
241 Local Body Elections- Regarding Uses of Banner/Hordings- Circular Dt.04/02/2012 Campaigning 04/02/2012 0.04